Saturday 30 January 2010


In this article you will discover the 7 natural, tasty fat burners that anyone can include in their healthy weight loss recipes. These are all rich in nutrients and possess Fat-melting talents for you to shed some unwanted pounds off your body.

You can include these foods in any sensible weight loss recipe to give your body that extra metabolic kick, which is vital to shave off weight quickly. All the foods listed below are very rich in nutrients and possess special fat-burning talents which in turn will satisfy your hunger.

1. Grapefruit -- Grapefruit is a must when it comes to healthy recipes for weight loss. According to Dr.John Cerd of the University of California it dissolves fat and cholesterol and has an average of 74 calories, which in turn delivers a whopping 15 grams of pectin. This is a special fibre which helps to lower fat and cholesterol. It is also rich in vitamin c and is fat and sodium free.

2. Coffee -- coffee is considered one of the best metabolic enhancers according to Dr. Mary Adams of the University of Florida. Studies also show it can burn more calories than normal. We've all heard though about the potential dangers of caffeine which can increase anxiety and insomnia. So moderation is the key here. (To follow a low calorie weight loss recipe add some skimmed milk and try doing it without sugar)

3. Soups -- a study was affected way back in 2004 by a very talented nutritionist Dr Andrew Foreyt of Baylor College of medicine in Texas. He found that dieters who ate soup before lunch and dinner as part of their low fat weight loss recipes, tend to keep the weight off longer than those who didn't and in fact the more soup they ate the more weight they lost.

4. Apples -- the most practical effect of these marvels of nature is to leave you feeling satisfied longer, says researchers. In fact A research done by Dr Peter Webber of the medical University Of Kentucky shows that apples are very rich in soluble fibre which prevents hunger pangs by guarding against dangerous swings or drops in your blood sugar level. A must in every weight loss diet recipe.

5. Spinach -- Rich in iron, beta caoten and vitamins c and e spinach has the ability to lower cholesterol, burn away fat and rev up your metabolism. It supplies all the weight watchers recipes with most of the daily nutrients needed.

6. Mustard -- a study by Dr Garreth of Oxford Polytechnic in England found that one teaspoon of mustard normally called for in Mexican, Indian and Asian recipes speeds up the metabolism just as caffeine. "Mustard is natural and totally safe" Jane says. "it can be used in everyday weight loss recipes and it really works" "I was shocked to discover it can speed up the metabolism by as much as 25 to 30%" Dr Jane says.

7. Tofu -- You must include tofu in your weight loss plans. It's a health food from Asia also called soybean curd. Tofu contains iron and calcium, almost no sodium and no saturated fats at all. Experts suggest 40 grams per day. It increase metabolism a lot and even lowers cholesterol. Tofu is ideal for your weight loss recipes when adding it to soups, salads and sauces.

These are just 7 fat burning foods which all contain fat melting talents. There are more proven and popular fat fighting foods to include in your weight loss recipes. You can also learn how to use a technique called calorie shifting - you can confuse your body to burn fat faster.

Get your free report filled with more tips on weight loss techniques and accelerated fat burning food at

Friday 29 January 2010

5 Simple Weight Loss Tips

Have you been searching for weight loss tips to help in getting rid of those extra pounds? Here are 5 very simple weight loss tips to help get you on your way.

1. Take your time
As the old saying goes, Rome wasn't built in a day. Weight loss is the same way. Give your dieting time to work. Don't allow yourself to get caught up in the instant gratification mold that everyone seems to be in today. If you don't lose 10 pounds in your first 2 weeks don't stop. Give it time and you will see results.

2. Watch food portions
This is a "biggie", pardon the pun. Today, every fast food drive-thru and sit down restaurant is serving up monster sized portions. These biggie sized meal portions are also a contributing factor in our biggie sized waistlines as well. Watch food portion sizes. This goes for cooking at home as well. Never stuff yourself and don't feel like you need to eat everything in front of you.

3. Slow down your eating
This is a weight loss tip that most people ignore, but it is one that will really help you lose weight fast. Your brain needs about 20 minutes to let you know it is getting full. Regardless of whether you eat fast or slow your brain takes that much time to respond to what your stomach is telling it. By slowing down your eating you will eat less and still be full. And less food and calories going in means more weight coming off.

4. Drink more water
Soda, tea, fruit juice, etc, are full of calories and carbohydrates. In fact, the average person consumes 400-500 calories a day in just soda and other beverages. Substitute water for these sugared sodas and you will go a long way toward losing those pounds.

5. Walk
This weight loss tip can really accelerate any diet and weight loss plan. Take a simple daily walk around your neighborhood. Even a 30 minute brisk walk 3 times a week will help shed the pounds. Plus, it is a great way to reduce stress.

Retrieved from ""

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast

Having easy ways to lose weight fast and keep it off is the holy grail of weight loss but is it really so difficult? Well for most it seems that is it but for those in the 'know' this is not only possible but a predictable outcome of a simple process.

To understand how weight loss can be easy and quick we can look at the opposite experience, that of weight gain. We have no issue at all with the experience of how easy it is to gain weight, in fact it is almost expected that a person will gain weight as they get older. Certainly for the over 40's there is realm expectancy that the body will gain fat but I would propose that this is simply a self fulfilling prophecy at work and that we could just as easily get slimmer and less fat as the years roll by. I put to you that with the correct change in mindset weight loss can be as easy as weight gain.

So can this weight loss be quick, well yes of course it can. Once again we are able to steadily change our body weight upwards and conversely we can do the same in terms of weight loss. If you can see and experience a quick change in your body weight upward you are naturally able to reverse that experience into weight loss rather than weight gain

My friends we have been brainwashed into believing that weight loss is hard but it is not. In fact we have to work harder to create weight gain that weight loss or maintaining our natural; weight. In truth it is harder to get fat than to stay slim.

With the right change in belief structure and behaviour anyone can lose weight and maintain that weight quite easily. So if you want to lose weight and do not think that is possible for you I can guarantee a change in mindset will get you the results you want.

So what do you need to do to start the weight loss? Here are my tips to start you off.

1. Make a list of all the reasons that you think you cannot lose weight or have struggled to lose weight in the past.
2. Once you have the list see which ideas are actually true and which are not.
3. Place all the reasons that are left into order and make a top three reasons for being over weight list.
4. Leave the list and return to it the nest day, see if the top three are still the same.
5. Now find out your top reason: the number one reason that you think causes you to be over weight.
6. When you have that number one reason focus on changing that behaviour alone. Forget all the other reasons that you put down and focus on changing that one thing.

The key to this small but powerful process is to understand the top reason that you have decided your weight is out of your control and to begin to change that assumption. When working with that one main idea that causes your weight gain begin to change small ideas and behaviours to counter your assumption because I promise you that the only thing keeping you over weight is the idea that your weigh is outside of your control.

As you may know, all change takes some effort so give this a go and start challenging those assumptions. Once you do change some of these damaging ideas you have you will realise that most of your ideas are simply not true, they are just ideas and thankfully ideas can be changed!

David Paul Marshall has been working with clients to help them change their live since 1997 and has helped thousands of people improve their lives. David offers information here at

If you want to find out more about David Paul Marshall, find out how he lost over 100 pounds and how you can lose weight easily and permanently then visit his website and get his free report on easy weight loss. Please go here: easy ways to lose weight fast to get his free report and watch his new video.