Wednesday 3 February 2010

Lose Stomach Fat Quickly With These Simple Exercises

Nobody likes to have a flabby belly…especially since it's become nearly impossible to find jeans that aren't low rise. A decade ago, we could hide our flab inside our waistbands. Now it spills over the top of our pants creating the ever (not so) popular "muffin top."
The good news is this: a little bit of flab doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't healthy. It just means that your body isn't distributing its weight evenly. Here are a couple of simple exercises to lose stomach fat and give yourself the "flat" tummy you've been dreaming of:]

Squats are easy to do and can be done anywhere! Here is how to do a squat:
Stand up straight. The distance between your feet should be equidistant to the width of your hips. Make sure that your hips, knees and toes are all in a straight line.
Squeeze your abdominal muscles so that your navel pulls in toward your spine and contract your abs.

Slowly bend your knees and lower your body. Mimic the motion of sitting down in a chair. The goal is to create a ninety degree angle with your knees, but if you aren't able to lower yourself that far, just go as far as you can. Make sure that your knees line up behind your toes.
Hold that pose for a second and then slowly straighten your knees until you are standing up straight. Keep your weight in your heels to avoid doing damage to your knees or hips. Don't lock your knees when you stand up--keep them just slightly bent.

Repeat ten to fifteen times to do a single set and do between one and three sets each day. To make sure you aren't lowering and raising yourself too quickly count to three during each motion. Between each set give yourself between thirty seconds and one minute to rest. Be sure to stretch before and after this exercise!

The lunge is also a great exercise for shaping your backside!
Stand up straight (with your hands on your hips) with your feet between three and four inches apart. Keep your stomach muscles tight and don't arch your back.

Start with your right leg. Take a large step forward, keeping your knee and toes pointed straight out from your body. Keeping your foot completely on the floor, lift up the heel of your left foot.
Keeping this position, lower your body until your front knee is at a ninety degree angle. Keep your knee over your ankle but try to stay behind your shoelaces. The goal is go get your pelvis into a straight line with your right knee.

Stand back up while bringing your left leg forward to rest next to your right leg.
Repeat this process with your left leg as the "front" leg.

These are just two exercises that will help you tone your abdominal muscles and give you a flat stomach. There are plenty of simple exercises to lose stomach fat but these two are exercises that you can do anywhere and without any special equipment.

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